Collective signs make the community

I find myself taking more and more pictures for use in presentations. I wonder if there are any other Account Planners who read these posts? If there are, let me ask, do you take pictures with the intention of using them in a presentation? Am I ill? In any event, I never used these (if you want to see those I have used, you'll need to ask me to come speak...) but thought this might be as good a place as any to get them out and see if someone might use them. Not too much in the way of deep comments here, but there are a few insights to be drawn out.

Tomorrow Depends on You!
Devin and I went to look for a mini-fridge for my office. The next town over has both a Home Depot and a WalMart. I can't tell you what kind of stress both of these stores put on me. When I'm in HD I'm inevitably sporting a Madonna t-shirt or worse (soccer jersey?) and get treated like an idiot (deserved, I really don't know anything about what they sell). But WalMart's hard because it's so BIG and so CHEAP that I'm confronted with the knowledge that bad things are happening to people so I might be allowed to buy a $4 Bob the Builder T-shirt. Anyway, on this day I had to clean ice cream off Devin and I noticed this sign outside the Bathroom. A stock quote. Just feels really creepy. If I'm working at WM, NASDAQ performance would be low on my hierarchy of concerns. Then on the way out I saw this massive display for commemorative flag holders. Might not be the only reason, but my assumption is these are for keeping flags in memory of people who have died (in the line of duty and other). It depressed me. I thought about the two wars we're in, the role the $4 t-shirt probably plays in it (macro-econ folks), the fact that WM uses stock price as a motivator while working to keep minimum wage down. Then I looked down at Devin and wondered if he and Keegs would have to go to war someday and said: "screw the fridge, we're out." But WM does have a sense of humor, next to the flag cases was a equally large Halloween Bucket display ($2). It is August after all.

This is why I have a Cellar.

When I saw this headline it reminded me of Y2K. Do you remember Y2K? The story was essentially that due to an error in taxing the companies that produce booze or something or other, there was a slight chance a few kinds of liquor would be less plentiful in the coming Summer months. A few weeks after this I went to my local Liquor store to pick up some gin and I enquired about the unholy shortage and asked if he had something to protect himself with should a mob with a taste for rum descend upon him. He didn't know what I was talking about but did add that there had been a run on schnapps. He added, "but you know, with the holiday (July 4th) it is schnapps season." Schnapps season? You might want to use this image if you are pitching an account in which the "fuzzy navel" is of importance.

Don't do that here. We didn't mean to send mixed signals.
I walk Keegan and Devin to school each day. Their school is located in fairly well known alley that is home to several restaurants, bars and even a farmers market. I'm not an idiot, I get why this noise ordinance exists. But is guess I took this picture because for whatever reason it's usually covered by a sign giving notice to the availability of of condos in the above building. It's also on the outside wall of a Tequila bar. I freak out if my neighbors mow before 10am. Can you imagine? Maybe you can. Maybe I'm too suburban now.
The next picture is one that always makes me laugh. My co-worker is the only person I know who banks at a certain bank downtown. When we go to lunch, he always needs to get cash. His cash machine is located at the entrance (henceforth known as "alcove") to his branch. On the wall of this sign there is a little ledge for sitting and an ashtray. A seat and an ashtray. And 5 feet away is an uncovered bus stop. Why keep the seat and the ashtray? The ashtray is odd. Who sits outside a cash machine and has a smoke? Wanna bet there is a sign forbidding bus riders from using the bench (and ashtray) within the year? I say let anyone who wants to, sit and have a smoke. Bus riders have it hard enough.
