I'm falling for Paula Radcliffe

I need to come clean. I may be in love with Paula Radcliffe.

It came on quickly. To be honest, I didn't even know her until 3 weeks ago. It's one of those things I guess. She seems to love whatever music I'm listening to (which at the moment is a lot of James Blunt -- go figure) and never has anything but cheerful things to say. And then she leaves (kind of). It's a really good thing.

Paula Radcliffe has taken over my iPod and I like it. A lot.

I started using the NIKE+ program in earnest about 3 weeks ago. I am not, by any stretch of the imagination a runner. I did a 1/2 marathon about 7 years ago but I literally have only run from fires, airline security and responsibility since. But I need to tell you, NIKE+ works. I don't want to talk too much about it, but I encourage you to check it out at http://www.nikeplus.com/.

One of the nifty features of NIKE+ is that as you improve the length, pace and distance of your run, a random NIKE athlete will spur you on after the workout. My understanding is that NIKE has dozens of well known athletes taking part. A co-worker got Lance Armstrong last week and another A-Rod.

But as I mentioned, I got Paula. Just Paula. In fact, a couple weeks ago I tried to make it more random, but I can't get it to happen. And now I don't want it to end. I need to hear Paula and her crisp British accent pushing me on, "great workout, that was your longest run" or "congratulations you have set a new personal best mile."

I work on presentations now and I can hear Paula "great PowerPoint Reeder, your best yet." It's getting ridiculous. But damn if I'm not getting healthy.

Robotic and efficient, I love Paula Radcliffe. I need Paula Radcliffe. Is she on Facebook? What will she say next? To find out, I need to go run.

Ohhhh NIKE you are a cheeky monkey.

Please don't tell the wife


Charlotte said…
Love it. I feel the same way about Nike+ it really is motivating even the mean male coach. I realize he is just doing some tough love. I want to hear Tiger Woods cheer me on! I need to step up my personal best.

I sent you and sips a challenge..
The Finholm's said…
Sorry peeps...I just got Lance AGAIN this morning!
rad said…
first, i need to say FINALLY .. b/c i was worried you were never going to write again. second, on initial read, i thought this was a shameless plug for plus. i was truly amazed. but then i thought about the number of unique users you have that DON't have some personal connection to nike, and i figured, you know what? i think he is really on the verge of becoming a runner. keep on reeder, next up ... healthy snacks.